Thursday, October 30, 2014

Digital vs Paper

The forms of communication and information are plentiful. In “Why Digital is Better Than Print” Dan Blank makes his argument to show his point of view on the subject. Blank is a believer in Digital as he shows his negative attitude towards print. Digital has more influence than paper.

Everything ages with time, this includes digital and print. Blank sides with digital stating “The ability to dive deep into the archives of all media to pull up relevant results the moment you need it”.(Blank) Dan is saying that with the technology it is very easy to get an old piece of media from digital sources. With paper it may be difficult to locate because it could be destroyed and in bad condition because it does not age well. Digital is more helpful when looking to find an archive and ages better than paper.

Through many technological advancements there has been many changes in digital and paper. “Each piece of information can find itself being stretched and morphed in new ways to solve a need”.(Blank) Blank is of course backing up digital, being so advanced and well manufactured digital is extremely versatile and can do many activities. Paper is what it is, a piece of paper and it can not be used like digital. Digital will continue to change and serve many purposes as paper will stay the same.

In the argument including both Digital and Paper, pollution can be used against paper. Dan blank states “Just look at the trash bins at Penn
Station in New York by 9:30am; they are overflowing with current day’s papers”.(Blank) Although digital uses energy it causes no where near the amount of pollution as paper. Paper is used and thrown out everyday while a phone or any electronic device can be used for years. Digital has its ups and downs with pollution as many people argue that it may cause cancer. Only time will tell in which has a bigger impact on the world.

Digital is an all around better option to use than paper. Dan Blank shows many points in which digital is better than paper in “Why Digital is Better Than Print. Although everyone has their preferences paper will always be behind digital. The world will continue to see more advancements in digital as paper will stay the same. The future will not be behind and stuck on paper but it will invent new technology and paper will become less useless.

Blank, Dan. “Why Digital Is Better Than Print.” I Feel Fine: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love The

Web. n. p. 5 August 2000. web. 10/29/2014

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